Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sustainable architecture

Worldwide scales are experiencing a rush of population growth, this growth to the ecological balance shown against the environment and the exploitation of natural resources have sued implement new methods of construction using new technologies. (Big & Green: Toward Sustainable Architecture in the 21 SST Century). Sustainable or sustainable architecture seeks to optimize natural resources and building systems that minimize the environmental impact of buildings and their inhabitants in the environment.The high energy demand and low production force s to focus on new technologies, methods and ways to economize, reduce costs and expenses. Among these proposals is Sustainable Architecture Think of It from the social environment; It Is what makes complex human, economic, cultural and environmental relationships. Sustainable design and construction are a specific, concrete example, I practice that can contribute to the Implementation of the complex concept of sustainability. (Rosaries Camas , Sustainable Design and Construction: Inescapable Reality).The author makes clear the close relationship between sustainability and the role that the user takes socially speaking. The architect built based on a sustainable paradigm, but ultimately individuals are those who dwell, live and interact within buildings. These are what define how they are responsible for the environment and nature. Home and building automation The technological evolution of deferent disciplines, have enabled an Interaction of the same that has led to the concept of Intelligent building or home automation.The combination of different disciplines to meet the new features and user requirements such as energy saving and automation thereof without affecting the way people live. Home and building automation: smart homes and buildings, Crisp ¶bal Roomer Morale). Implementing these systems so that they have little impact on the social life of people but at the same time help improve the quality of them reducin g the environmental impact by leveraging regulations energy consumption renewable energy.Dimension Policy, Social, Economic. POLICY Reconfiguration of the city. A sustainable city Is defined as a city where there Is adequate mobility, energy conservation and water resources, reduced noise pollution, and creation of public life. Sustainable architecture has an impact on the political dimension by the limitation that is given to new technologies as the predominant practice of governments and institutions is self enrichment, and economically not suit them.ECONOMIC Prefer local materials to promote the development of local industry and promote endogenous economy seeking to strengthen the internal capacity of a region or local community, to strengthen the society and economy from the inside out, to make it sustainable and sustainable SOCIAL The commitment that people have to the environmental impact. This implies the fact of how they will interact with the â€Å"sustainable† space and how effective it will be. Sustainable Architecture Sustainable Architecture The following paragraph is a discussion of sustainability as an architectural concept. The main issue is to illuminate the different aspects of sustainable architecture being more than just a calculation, and rather a tectonic solution with high architectural quality. This closely relates to context and human needs. In recent years, the attention given to sustainable and environmental design has only become more severe as a result of climate changes and rising energy prices. The entire change in architecture and design was initiated decades ago, fiercely debating the ustainability in building construction and city planning to the present day. Though instead of reaching a clear definition, the concept of sustainability has become mainstream and vague. In the genuine architectural practice, sustainability is the concept of saving resources in building developing and city planning, in terms of reducing the use of fossil fuels and other non- ­? renewable energy sources. Instead the site- ­? specific climate and topographic features are to benefit the built environment and architecture. (Pedersen 2009) This is what is immediately and commonly associated with ustainable architecture. Introducing the term Sustainable Development, the Brundtland Commission’s Report of 1987 assumes the same point of view but takes the considerations of sustainability a step further by stating †sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own†. The report suggests a more general approach to the concept than merely environmental aspects, and thus imposes the economic and social aspects to meet the requirements of both present and future generations. The concept of architectural ustainability suggests a more holistic approach to what is genuine sustainable. Not only should the quantitative and physical requirements of i. e. daylight, fresh air, and indoor temperature be implemented; the qualitative and tectonic heritage of architecture should on equal terms be secured to make a durable solution. A solution that architecturally facilitates both experienced and technical aspects that are both considered human need. If not implementing the tectonic, what is the building if not just machine? The environmental aspect has the ability to apply different scales, whether it is he environment of the local community or the global. Due to various use of the term, sustainability has commonly been anticipated as being the same as the notion of environmental design. The general take on the subject is that it is closely concerned with the climatic and modern technologies trying to optimize the energy consumption and emissions of the built. The latest technologies seek to bring pure functionality to the architecture through dynamic facades to either intercept or protect from direct solar radiation. The exploitation of passive solutions, su ch as solar shading, thermal mass and oncepts of natural ventilation is the means of providing technical durability in the built on both a local and global scale. In addition to this, the use of materials has a central role. Whether it is the specific terms of production, the durability or the life span, the use of materials has to meet the requirements of the present as well as the future. For instance, the use of local materials can provide labour to the direct local community, which suggests a link between the environmental and economic aspect. Without an understanding of social sustainability in architecture, buildings, no matter ow environmentally efficient, are not genuinely sustainable. The social aspect is anchored primarily in the larger scale like development of cities and neighbourhoods. Architecture has an opportunity to enhance social sustainability by providing built opportunities for connectivity and balance; connectivity between the individuals within the built and b etween the surrounding community and the occupants. Balance is an aspect mainly focusing on the relation between the individual and collective to prevent a social gap in terms of i. e. ethnicity, income and difference of age. While this embraces diverse and dynamic environment, the general concern of social architecture, and especially in dwellings, is to provide a place for safety and privacy as a part of the local identity. As mentioned, there are some basic architectural needs tied to the idea of dwellings. The dwelling as an archetype is also a product of human needs, and can be defined as having the elementary function of providing shelter. The relationship between inside and out is defined through the basic use of floor, wall and roof to create a place to be; thus creating an inside in the midst of an outside. Exploring the erminology, the German philosopher argues, that to dwell already relates to the notions of preserving, saving and the concern for land. (Sharr 2007; 45) Th is implies more poetic considerations of the architectural space and its significance to the human being. Consequently, sustainable architecture must conceptually be defined as consisting of not only environmental concern and exploitation of modern technologies but also the immeasurable qualities of poetics in architectural space. The concept of sustainability must assume the holistic approach, in which the human being finds comfort and empathy. Sustainable Architecture Sustainable Architecture The following paragraph is a discussion of sustainability as an architectural concept. The main issue is to illuminate the different aspects of sustainable architecture being more than just a calculation, and rather a tectonic solution with high architectural quality. This closely relates to context and human needs. In recent years, the attention given to sustainable and environmental design has only become more severe as a result of climate changes and rising energy prices. The entire change in architecture and design was initiated decades ago, fiercely debating the ustainability in building construction and city planning to the present day. Though instead of reaching a clear definition, the concept of sustainability has become mainstream and vague. In the genuine architectural practice, sustainability is the concept of saving resources in building developing and city planning, in terms of reducing the use of fossil fuels and other non- ­? renewable energy sources. Instead the site- ­? specific climate and topographic features are to benefit the built environment and architecture. (Pedersen 2009) This is what is immediately and commonly associated with ustainable architecture. Introducing the term Sustainable Development, the Brundtland Commission’s Report of 1987 assumes the same point of view but takes the considerations of sustainability a step further by stating †sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own†. The report suggests a more general approach to the concept than merely environmental aspects, and thus imposes the economic and social aspects to meet the requirements of both present and future generations. The concept of architectural ustainability suggests a more holistic approach to what is genuine sustainable. Not only should the quantitative and physical requirements of i. e. daylight, fresh air, and indoor temperature be implemented; the qualitative and tectonic heritage of architecture should on equal terms be secured to make a durable solution. A solution that architecturally facilitates both experienced and technical aspects that are both considered human need. If not implementing the tectonic, what is the building if not just machine? The environmental aspect has the ability to apply different scales, whether it is he environment of the local community or the global. Due to various use of the term, sustainability has commonly been anticipated as being the same as the notion of environmental design. The general take on the subject is that it is closely concerned with the climatic and modern technologies trying to optimize the energy consumption and emissions of the built. The latest technologies seek to bring pure functionality to the architecture through dynamic facades to either intercept or protect from direct solar radiation. The exploitation of passive solutions, su ch as solar shading, thermal mass and oncepts of natural ventilation is the means of providing technical durability in the built on both a local and global scale. In addition to this, the use of materials has a central role. Whether it is the specific terms of production, the durability or the life span, the use of materials has to meet the requirements of the present as well as the future. For instance, the use of local materials can provide labour to the direct local community, which suggests a link between the environmental and economic aspect. Without an understanding of social sustainability in architecture, buildings, no matter ow environmentally efficient, are not genuinely sustainable. The social aspect is anchored primarily in the larger scale like development of cities and neighbourhoods. Architecture has an opportunity to enhance social sustainability by providing built opportunities for connectivity and balance; connectivity between the individuals within the built and b etween the surrounding community and the occupants. Balance is an aspect mainly focusing on the relation between the individual and collective to prevent a social gap in terms of i. e. ethnicity, income and difference of age. While this embraces diverse and dynamic environment, the general concern of social architecture, and especially in dwellings, is to provide a place for safety and privacy as a part of the local identity. As mentioned, there are some basic architectural needs tied to the idea of dwellings. The dwelling as an archetype is also a product of human needs, and can be defined as having the elementary function of providing shelter. The relationship between inside and out is defined through the basic use of floor, wall and roof to create a place to be; thus creating an inside in the midst of an outside. Exploring the erminology, the German philosopher argues, that to dwell already relates to the notions of preserving, saving and the concern for land. (Sharr 2007; 45) Th is implies more poetic considerations of the architectural space and its significance to the human being. Consequently, sustainable architecture must conceptually be defined as consisting of not only environmental concern and exploitation of modern technologies but also the immeasurable qualities of poetics in architectural space. The concept of sustainability must assume the holistic approach, in which the human being finds comfort and empathy.

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